Yorgos Lanthimos, viaggio nel cinema dell’assurdoTra i titoli più attesi della 77esima edizione del Festival di Cannes c’è Kinds of Kindness, ultimo film del regista greco Yorgos…May 12, 2024May 12, 2024
“Annientamento” e l’innocenza della naturaLa versione breve su LongTake: https://www.longtake.it/news/master-mica-analisi-di-annientamentoMay 12, 2024May 12, 2024
Fat Cats, Bigga Fish and the Awakening of ClassStory just begun, but you already knowMar 15, 2023Mar 15, 2023
Pits and Perverts: Queerness Beyond Sexuality“When you’re in a battle against an enemy so much bigger, so much stronger than you, well, to find out you had a friend you never knew…Mar 15, 2023Mar 15, 2023
Giorgia Meloni, the italian Straw-WomanAccording to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in 2021 alone, the number of people who died or disappeared in the…Mar 15, 2023Mar 15, 2023
My Story, My NarrativeVladimir Luxuria. That was the name of the biggest icon on Italian TV for elementary school-me. Vladimir as in Vladimir Putin and Luxuria…Mar 15, 2023Mar 15, 2023
How “Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles” revolutionized melodramaThe British Film Institute recently released Sight and Sound’s decennial “Top 100 Greatest Films” critics’ poll, and it took social media…Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
Xavier Dolan: auteur retrospective“Everything we do in life, we do it to be loved. To be accepted.”Nov 8, 2022Nov 8, 2022
Un Volto Dopo l’Altro: lo stretto legame tra surrealismo e androginiaPartendo dallo studio dell’androginia come concetto filosofico, arriviamo inevitabilmente al surrealismo. Infatti, tra i sostenitori di…Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
American Trash: themes and represantation in Harmony Korine’s GUMMOXenia, Ohio. After a tornado destroyed the city in the 70’s, the remaining population has to dealwith the rising decay in the community…Jan 10, 2022Jan 10, 2022